300 Peck Method

This is a way of increasing the criteria for a behaviour e.g Duration you can leave your dog for or how far away from your dog you can successfully ask them to perform a cue.

Essentially, the basic rule is that on each trial we increase the count by 1, if our
dog succeeds we click and treat. If our dog fails, we restart
the count from 1. So for example if we would like our dog to sit for an increased duration then a training your progression may look like this:

Ask for sit - Count to 1, click and treat for successful completion.

sit - 1,2, click and treat
sit - 1,2,3, click and treat
sit - 1,2,3,4, click and treat
sit - 1,2,3,4,5 - fail

sit - 1, click and treat
sit - 1,2, click and treat
sit - 1,2,3, click and treat
sit - 1,2,3,4, click and treat
sit - 1,2,3,4,5, click and treat
sit - 1,2,3,4,5,6, click and treat
sit - 1,2,3,4 - fail

sit - 1, click and treat
sit - 1,2, click and treat

And so on and so on until you reach your target.

Examples include:

Your dog performing on your mat whilst you eat.

Steps walking on a loose lead.

Crate Training.

Recall from distance. E.g Get a recall from one step or 1 metere away and so on.